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Lisvane Art Workshop

The ‘Rolling’ Exhibition

Visitors to the Memorial Hall will have noticed the exhibition of art on the walls of the main hall. The Art Workshop started this permanent “rolling” exhibition of their work in agreement with the trustees back in June 2006. There were originally 12 paintings by members on show - until the exhibition was taken down to enable the hall to be redecorated just at the start of lockdown in 2020. The exhibition has now been restored with 8 paintings (only 6 have so far been hung) - and we are very grateful to the trustees of the hall for the grant towards the cost of frames. All the paintings are for sale. By “rolling” we mean that the paintings will be changed periodically. We have received many compliments on this exhibition!

The gallery below shows the paintings which are currently hanging in this exhibition.

(Above) ‘Water Lilies’, Watercolour by Pam Gilbert, £65

(Left) ‘Poppies’, pastel by Jane Patten, £85

(Below left) Sunset, The Nantlle Ridge’, watercolour by Ian Philpot, £85

 (Below right) Old Man With A Beard, pastel by Sharyn Cochrane £70

(Left) ‘Bluebell Wood’, watercolour by Judy Moore, £95

(Below) ‘The End Of The Day’, watercolour by Anne Edwards, £50